Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Coaching Rugby Ready, CPDs and Award Courses

If you are interested in getting into coaching or even want to improve your own playing, please note the following courses are coming up

You start with Rugby Ready and then do Scrum Factory

Rugby Ready

  • Monday 5th September Rugby Ready @ Coopers Company & Coborn school
  • Wednesday 7th September  Rugby Ready @ Ilford RFC

Scrum Factory

  • Wednesday 24th Scrum Factory @Dagenham RFC
  • Wednesday 31st  Scrum Factory @ Harlow RFC

Level 2 (Adults)

Level 1 (Children)

More information from me or Matt. Courses can be funded by the Club for matching committment to help with Return2Rugby etc


Tim McDonagh

Tim McDonagh
Millwall Rugby Club
75 Manchester Road - London - E14 3DN
+44 7795 436715  timmcdonagh@millwallrugby.com - www.millwallrugby.com

Follow us on Twitter @millwallrugby - Find us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/millwallrugby

Monday, 15 August 2016

Player Mobility, Physio clinic, Physio Student visit - Wednesday 24th

Player Mobility and Physio clinic - Wednesday 24th

Patrick, club Physio, will be running a session as a short part of training next week - Wednesday August 24th after which he will hold a clinic for anyone who wants him to see any niggles or ask for advice.

Player mobility

The player mobility session is designed to provide a set of movements you can perform independently to promote general joint and soft tissue health.  These movements can be performed at home, in the dressing room or on the pitch and require no equipment. This is not a “workout” so can be performed before training sessions and games or on non-training nights during the week.

Physio Clinic

Hopefully at this stage of the season, you are relatively injury free but we all know what rugby is like. If there is something you would like to have checked or get some advice, Patrick will be available , first come first served. He will have the treatment table.

Physio Students Open Evening

Finally, we will have some visiting Physio students interested in helping with pitch side First Aid. Please say hello and make them feel welcome so they come and join us.



First Aid Officer
Millwall Rugby