The committee is extraordinarily busy at the moment just keeping things running and trying to develop the club. We could really use some extra help! We're looking for some volunteers to help us out running the adult side of the club. Here are seven ways you could help us out....
1. Club Membership Coordinator
- to receive data as adult members join the club
- make sure new members are added to mailing lists
- send new people a nice welcome email
- approach new members to choose a membership payment option
- make membership cards that give access to the clubhouse
2. Match report writers
- people who want to come and watch games (or play)
- write interesting match reports for the programme and local press (linking in with our club press officer)
3. First aiders
- people with first aid training or who want to be trained as a first aider to provide match day support for our adult teams.
4. People to help us dig holes in the paddock this weekend
- To help us install more lighting on the paddock
5. Competent electricians to put wires in the holes we dig this weekend
- To help install more lighting on the paddock
6. Bar People / Mixologists
- To serve behind our brilliant bar, serving delicious beer, and mixing amazing cocktails.
7. Sponsorship Gurus
- To come up with clever ideas for getting sponsorship for the adult side of the club and actually follow through on those ideas, make sure we can deliver things in return, get the cheque in and manage our relationship with that sponsor to make sure they are happy.
If you can help with any of these, please email in the first instance and I'll put you in touch with the right people on the committee.